What Do People See When They Google Your Name? Here’s Why It Matters

How you appear in Google search results can have a big impact. What do people see when they Google your name? Do you show up on the first page? More importantly, how do you want to show up?
If you’re unsure of the answers, it’s time to Google yourself. We all search for businesses, stories, and people online—so why assume no one is Googling you? Try it and see what comes up. For the best results, search your first and last name using an incognito browser window to see how others find you.
Why Google Yourself?
Most people don’t think they’re being Googled, but they often are. At a KEAP convention back in 2019, Linzi Boyd, founder of the One Earth, asked nearly 700 attendees if they Google others. About 90% raised their hands. Then she asked how many thought they themselves were being Googled—only a few hands went up. It was a surprising response.
Certain things in life are inevitable: death, taxes, and Google searches. One day, someone will Google you—a potential employer before an interview, a new customer checking out your business, or even a love interest. Whatever the reason, you want to be proactive and confident in the search results they see.
We are all brands, whether we realize it or not. Your online search results influence how people perceive you and, ultimately, how they interact with you, your company, or your personal brand.
So, What Will People See When They Google You?
Will your search results reflect who you are, or will they misrepresent you? Perhaps you’re pleased with what appears, but there’s just not enough about you on that first page.
For most people, a personal profile audit is eye-opening. Regardless of your current search results, the key question is how do you want to show up on Google? Once you answer that, you can begin crafting an online presence that you’re proud of.
Most likely, your LinkedIn profile will show up among the top results. Even with a standout profile, you are one of over 930 million users on LinkedIn worldwide. So why rely solely on LinkedIn’s template to present who you are? A custom personal landing page can communicate your true purpose and brand more effectively. The first step is purchasing a domain name using your first and last name (FirstNameLastName.com). After your website is live, it has the potential to become the top-ranking result when people search for you—especially if you implement search engine optimization best practices. This is the goal: to have your personal brand highly visible with the curated messaging that you want to share about yourself.
The Power of Curating Your Search Results
Gone are the days when faceless brands ruled the world. The internet, along with Google and social media, allows people to look into others’ lives—who they are and what they believe in. Information about you is out there, whether you’re aware of it or not. The good news? You can shape what people see.
Are you a change-maker, thought leader, aspiring author, or professional looking to advance your career? Whatever your path, consider what your online profile says about you and the power of having the right information beaming to the world 24/7. In a digitally connected world, anyone’s voice can be heard. People can share their purpose, monetize their passions, and make a positive impact in their community, industry, or even the world.
Business owners should shift their mindset to the 21st century and include people-brands alongside their company brand. We are now in the WHO era, where emotional connections matter. If you have a personal brand, your online profile should foster a human connection, resonating with others on an emotional level. Purpose-led individuals and companies gain more market share and increase their brand value.
Tips for Elevating Your Personal Online Profile
- Conduct a Google Audit
Google yourself to understand what others see. - Define Your Purpose
Identify what you want to be known for and what you want to share with the world. - Envision Your Future Self
Write down who you are today, what you aspire to become, and what you could be in the future. - Update Your Online Profiles
Start with rewriting your LinkedIn profile, sharing your purpose beyond just listing tasks. - Build a Personal Brand Landing Page
This can quickly elevate your search presence, allowing you to share your story and vision in your own way. Remember to use your name as the domain (FirstNameLastName.com).
The Power of People-Focused Brands
You are your brand. Whether you monetize it or not, it exists. Now is the time to shape it into a brand that reflects your true purpose and shines brightly in the digital world.